Being Efficient: Making the Most of Your Appliances



Switch from hot to cold water for an average of three loads per week, and you can save up to $27 per year on your energy bill.
Being Efficient: Making the Most of Your Appliances

BC Hydro’s Power Smart Fall Appliance Program began on October 1, with many incentives to buy energy-efficient home appliances. These great savings make it a good time to buy now, but you can sweeten the deal by making the best use of your new green appliances to save even more.

Be efficient with your appliances using these tips from BC Hydro:

Save on WashingSwitch from hot to cold water for an average of three loads per week, and you can save up to $27 per year on your energy bill.

Save on DryingClothes dryers account for more than 12% of average household electricity costs. You can cut down on energy consumption by hanging laundry to dry ins

Energy Efficient Appliances

tead. Larger households that do eight loads of laundry per week and hang-dry only 50% of those clothes can save up to $47 per year.

You can also try tossing a dry towel into the dryer with your laundry. This can reduce drying times by 10%!

Save on RefrigerationKeep the freezer compartment full – remember to defrost it regularly. Unplug and clean your fridge’s coils twice a year, and set temperatures between 2°C and 3°C (fridge) and -18°C (freezer). It all adds up and could save you $25 a year.

Save on AppliancesAnother way to save on your energy bill is to buy a green appliance. Ask any of our Expert Sales Staff for assistance in selecting an appropriate appliance for your needs.

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