Ugly Christmas Fridge



We were out on a mission – on the internet – trying to find people’s best ideas for ugly fridge makeovers.
Ugly Christmas Fridge

<p>We were out on a mission – on the internet – trying to find people’s best ideas for ugly fridge makeovers. Instead, given that it is the holiday season, we found ideas of how to give your fridge a holiday face lift. A light bulb pinged. What if, instead of an ugly Christmas sweater, we set out to find an ugly Christmas fridge?</p> <p>Instagram was a great place to find DIY fridge makeovers. Here are our top 5 picks of Ugly Christmas Fridges:</p> <p># 5:</p> <p><a title=" hidecaption=true width=320" href=" width=320" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> hidecaption=true width=320</a></p> <p>#4:</p> <p><a title=" hidecaption=true width=320" href=" width=320" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> hidecaption=true width=320</a></p> <p>#3:</p> <p><a title=" hidecaption=true width=320" href=" width=320" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> hidecaption=true width=320</a></p> <p>#2:</p> <p><a title=" hidecaption=true width=320" href=" width=320" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> hidecaption=true width=320</a></p> <p>Mirror mirror on the wall, who’s the ugliest of them all?</p> <p><a title=" hidecaption=true width=320" href=" width=320" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> hidecaption=true width=320</a></p> <p>Do you have an ugly fridge? Don’t sweat it, just upgrade to one of our fridges. At Trail Appliances, we have a <a title="wide selection of fridges" href="">wide selection of fridges</a>, whether you're looking for top-freezer, bottom-freezer, side-by-side, French Door, or built-in refrigerators, you are sure to never have an ugly fridge again.</p> <p><a title="Featured Image credit" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Featured Image credit</a></p><blockquote class="instagram-media" data-instgrm-captioned data-instgrm-permalink="" data-instgrm-version="14" style=" background:#FFF; border:0; border-radius:3px; box-shadow:0 0 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.5),0 1px 10px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.15); margin: 1px; max-width:540px; min-width:326px; padding:0; width:99.375%; width:-webkit-calc(100% - 2px); width:calc(100% - 2px);"><div style="padding:16px;"> <a href="" style=" background:#FFFFFF; line-height:0; padding:0 0; text-align:center; text-decoration:none; width:100%;" target="_blank"> <div style=" display: flex; flex-direction: row; align-items: center;"> <div style="background-color: #F4F4F4; 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font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; font-style:normal; font-weight:550; line-height:18px;">View this post on Instagram</div></div><div style="padding: 12.5% 0;"></div> <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: row; margin-bottom: 14px; align-items: center;"><div> <div style="background-color: #F4F4F4; border-radius: 50%; height: 12.5px; width: 12.5px; transform: translateX(0px) translateY(7px);"></div> <div style="background-color: #F4F4F4; height: 12.5px; transform: rotate(-45deg) translateX(3px) translateY(1px); width: 12.5px; flex-grow: 0; margin-right: 14px; margin-left: 2px;"></div> <div style="background-color: #F4F4F4; border-radius: 50%; height: 12.5px; width: 12.5px; transform: translateX(9px) translateY(-18px);"></div></div><div style="margin-left: 8px;"> <div style=" background-color: #F4F4F4; border-radius: 50%; flex-grow: 0; height: 20px; width: 20px;"></div> <div style=" width: 0; height: 0; border-top: 2px solid transparent; border-left: 6px solid #f4f4f4; border-bottom: 2px solid transparent; 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overflow:hidden; padding:8px 0 7px; text-align:center; text-overflow:ellipsis; white-space:nowrap;"><a href="" style=" color:#c9c8cd; font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; font-style:normal; font-weight:normal; line-height:17px; text-decoration:none;" target="_blank">A post shared by Annette Cheung (</a></p></div></blockquote> <script async src="//"></script>

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Savour the season’s finest with wine pairings and chocolate-covered strawberries, perfectly melted with the fast, even heating of induction technology. 🍫🍓

Bring the elegance of Italian design into your home and experience the exceptional performance of Fulgor Milano appliances.

#TrailAppliancesBC #VancouverHomes #KitchenDesign #LuxuryKitchen #italiandesign #KitchenDesign #Craftsmanship #FulgorMilano #Inductioncooking

Savour the season’s finest with wine pairings and chocolate-covered strawberries, perfectly melted with the fast, even heating of induction technology. 🍫🍓 Bring the elegance of Italian design into your home and experience the exceptional performance of Fulgor Milano appliances. #TrailAppliancesBC #VancouverHomes #KitchenDesign #LuxuryKitchen #italiandesign #KitchenDesign #Craftsmanship #FulgorMilano #Inductioncooking

Door crasher Black Friday deals are firing up this weekend! 🚨🔥 Get the best prices of the year and cash in on exclusive perks like FREE basic delivery & FREE appliance recycling. Plus, boost your savings with special offers from major brands like KitchenAid, Samsung, Whirlpool, LG, and more.

Shop online or visit us in-store to unlock more exclusive door crasher deals that are too hot to advertise!

*Conditions and exclusions apply

Door crasher Black Friday deals are firing up this weekend! 🚨🔥 Get the best prices of the year and cash in on exclusive perks like FREE basic delivery & FREE appliance recycling. Plus, boost your savings with special offers from major brands like KitchenAid, Samsung, Whirlpool, LG, and more. Shop online or visit us in-store to unlock more exclusive door crasher deals that are too hot to advertise! *Conditions and exclusions apply

Impeccable style meets impressive function. Cove’s superior design combines high performance with Sub-Zero and Wolf quality to keep every dish and glass sparkling and spotless every time.

Oh, and did you know they’re tested to withstand over 20 years of rigorous daily use?

#TrailAppliancesBC #SubZeroWolfCove #CoveDishwashing #KitchenInspiration

Impeccable style meets impressive function. Cove’s superior design combines high performance with Sub-Zero and Wolf quality to keep every dish and glass sparkling and spotless every time. Oh, and did you know they’re tested to withstand over 20 years of rigorous daily use? #TrailAppliancesBC #SubZeroWolfCove #CoveDishwashing #KitchenInspiration

How many times do YOU do laundry in a week? 🧺 Our team is out in beautiful BC gathering your questions, and it’s time for our experts to spill the tea on all things laundry! Whether you need a compact tower or a spacious side-by-side, we’ve got you covered.

Got more questions? Go Ask Trail!

#GoAskTrail #TrailAppliancesBC #laundryroom #vancouverhomes #bchomes #washerdryer
#homeappliances #laundryhacks

How many times do YOU do laundry in a week? 🧺 Our team is out in beautiful BC gathering your questions, and it’s time for our experts to spill the tea on all things laundry! Whether you need a compact tower or a spacious side-by-side, we’ve got you covered. Got more questions? Go Ask Trail! #GoAskTrail #TrailAppliancesBC #laundryroom #vancouverhomes #bchomes #washerdryer #homeappliances #laundryhacks

In our latest Designer Roundtable, Salone della Conoscenza, we had the pleasure of gathering over 60 design professionals for an insightful evening of connections and Italian elegance.
Our distinguished panel, featuring Western Living’s Designer of the Year @sophieburkedesign, Morna Sileika of Fort Capital, HR expert Christina Burke from @trustfrankhr, and our very own digital marketing leader @briannahfisher, shared actionable advice and inspiring stories on achieving success in their fields.
The stunning Casa Bertazzoni kitchen in our Vancouver showroom set the perfect stage for this intimate gathering, allowing guests to connect and engage in meaningful conversations while enjoying an authentic Italian menu crafted by Chef @jasonharper at @edgecaters.
Thank you to all our guests for making this event truly special! 🇮🇹✨
#TrailAppliancesBC #TrailDesignerSales #Bertazzoni #InteriorDesignVancouver #HomeDecorBC #YVRdesigners #VanCityHomes #DesignInspiration #ModernDesign

In our latest Designer Roundtable, Salone della Conoscenza, we had the pleasure of gathering over 60 design professionals for an insightful evening of connections and Italian elegance.   Our distinguished panel, featuring Western Living’s Designer of the Year @sophieburkedesign, Morna Sileika of Fort Capital, HR expert Christina Burke from @trustfrankhr, and our very own digital marketing leader @briannahfisher, shared actionable advice and inspiring stories on achieving success in their fields.   The stunning Casa Bertazzoni kitchen in our Vancouver showroom set the perfect stage for this intimate gathering, allowing guests to connect and engage in meaningful conversations while enjoying an authentic Italian menu crafted by Chef @jasonharper at @edgecaters.   Thank you to all our guests for making this event truly special! 🇮🇹✨   #TrailAppliancesBC #TrailDesignerSales #Bertazzoni #InteriorDesignVancouver #HomeDecorBC #YVRdesigners #VanCityHomes #DesignInspiration #ModernDesign

Congratulations to Maria Isah, the lucky winner of a Zwilling 12-piece stainless steel cookware set from our giveaway in collaboration with 🎁 She’s all set to whip up some incredible recipes after picking up her prize at our Surrey Showroom.

Stay tuned for more incredible giveaways—we’ve got lots more coming! 🎉

#TrailAppliancesBC #newappliances #vancouvergiveaway #yvrgiveaway #KitchenInspiration #RecipeIdeas #VancouverLiving #BCLife

Congratulations to Maria Isah, the lucky winner of a Zwilling 12-piece stainless steel cookware set from our giveaway in collaboration with 🎁 She’s all set to whip up some incredible recipes after picking up her prize at our Surrey Showroom. Stay tuned for more incredible giveaways—we’ve got lots more coming! 🎉 #TrailAppliancesBC #newappliances #vancouvergiveaway #yvrgiveaway #KitchenInspiration #RecipeIdeas #VancouverLiving #BCLife

Shop Black Friday early with the best prices of the year on all home essentials!

Now’s your chance to cash in on exclusive perks like FREE basic delivery, FREE appliance recycling, and save up to $800* on your favourite brands like KitchenAid, Samsung, Whirlpool, LG, and more.

Visit us in-store or online to explore all the incredible deals waiting for you. Shop confidently knowing that if you find a lower price advertised, we'll match it with our Price Match Guarantee!

*Conditions apply

Shop Black Friday early with the best prices of the year on all home essentials! Now’s your chance to cash in on exclusive perks like FREE basic delivery, FREE appliance recycling, and save up to $800* on your favourite brands like KitchenAid, Samsung, Whirlpool, LG, and more. Visit us in-store or online to explore all the incredible deals waiting for you. Shop confidently knowing that if you find a lower price advertised, we'll match it with our Price Match Guarantee! *Conditions apply

Shop Black Friday early with the best prices of the year on all home essentials!

Now’s your chance to cash in on exclusive perks like FREE basic delivery, FREE appliance recycling, and save up to $800* on your favourite brands like KitchenAid, Samsung, Whirlpool, LG, and more.

Visit us in-store or online to explore all the incredible deals waiting for you. Shop confidently knowing that if you find a lower price advertised, we'll match it with our Price Match Guarantee!

*Conditions apply

Shop Black Friday early with the best prices of the year on all home essentials! Now’s your chance to cash in on exclusive perks like FREE basic delivery, FREE appliance recycling, and save up to $800* on your favourite brands like KitchenAid, Samsung, Whirlpool, LG, and more. Visit us in-store or online to explore all the incredible deals waiting for you. Shop confidently knowing that if you find a lower price advertised, we'll match it with our Price Match Guarantee! *Conditions apply

Shop Black Friday early with the best prices of the year on all home essentials!

Now’s your chance to cash in on exclusive perks like FREE basic delivery, FREE appliance recycling, and save up to $800* on your favourite brands like KitchenAid, Samsung, Whirlpool, LG, and more.

Visit us in-store or online to explore all the incredible deals waiting for you. Shop confidently knowing that if you find a lower price advertised, we'll match it with our Price Match Guarantee!

*Conditions apply

Shop Black Friday early with the best prices of the year on all home essentials! Now’s your chance to cash in on exclusive perks like FREE basic delivery, FREE appliance recycling, and save up to $800* on your favourite brands like KitchenAid, Samsung, Whirlpool, LG, and more. Visit us in-store or online to explore all the incredible deals waiting for you. Shop confidently knowing that if you find a lower price advertised, we'll match it with our Price Match Guarantee! *Conditions apply

Join us in spreading holiday cheer for a great cause! Our Designer Sales division is honoured to sponsor #HomesForTheHolidays in partnership with @TakeaHikefdn.

Explore beautifully decorated homes, make meaningful connections, connect with the design community, and be part of a movement supporting youth mental health.

Click the link in our bio for tickets and mark your calendars for Nov 23rd and 24th at UBC’s Cecil Green Park House

#TrailDesignerSales #homesfortheholidays #youthempowerment #inspireyoungminds #festiveempowerment #festivecharityevent #festivedecor #homesfortheholidays2024
#takeahikefoundation #empoweringyouths #changinglives #vancouver #vancouverfestiveevents #interiordesign #architecture #charityevent #wintermagic #terraceoftrees

Join us in spreading holiday cheer for a great cause! Our Designer Sales division is honoured to sponsor #HomesForTheHolidays in partnership with @TakeaHikefdn. Explore beautifully decorated homes, make meaningful connections, connect with the design community, and be part of a movement supporting youth mental health. Click the link in our bio for tickets and mark your calendars for Nov 23rd and 24th at UBC’s Cecil Green Park House #TrailDesignerSales #homesfortheholidays #youthempowerment #inspireyoungminds #festiveempowerment #festivecharityevent #festivedecor #homesfortheholidays2024 #takeahikefoundation #empoweringyouths #changinglives #vancouver #vancouverfestiveevents #interiordesign #architecture #charityevent #wintermagic #terraceoftrees

That moment when you open your dream fridge and know it’s 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘰𝘯𝘦! ❄️💙 With over 60 years of refrigeration expertise, each Sub-Zero model has its own dedicated, sealed system, that locks in freshness like no other.

Come by your nearest Trail Appliances showroom to be amazed in person!

That moment when you open your dream fridge and know it’s 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘰𝘯𝘦! ❄️💙 With over 60 years of refrigeration expertise, each Sub-Zero model has its own dedicated, sealed system, that locks in freshness like no other. Come by your nearest Trail Appliances showroom to be amazed in person!

We’re back for a new season of 𝘎𝘰 𝘈𝘴𝘬 𝘛𝘳𝘢𝘪𝘭, hitting the streets of beautiful British Columbia to gather all your appliance questions for our expert team to answer.

Got a question? Go Ask Trail! 🎙️

Add your question in the comments and click the link in our bio to learn how you can enter for a chance to win a compact fridge ($400 value!)

#GoAskTrail #TrailAppliancesBC #vancouverhomes #bchomes #trailappliancesbc #yvrstyle #bcstyle

We’re back for a new season of 𝘎𝘰 𝘈𝘴𝘬 𝘛𝘳𝘢𝘪𝘭, hitting the streets of beautiful British Columbia to gather all your appliance questions for our expert team to answer. Got a question? Go Ask Trail! 🎙️ Add your question in the comments and click the link in our bio to learn how you can enter for a chance to win a compact fridge ($400 value!) #GoAskTrail #TrailAppliancesBC #vancouverhomes #bchomes #trailappliancesbc #yvrstyle #bcstyle

This kitchen was just waiting for its moment to shine! With a full revamp and appliance upgrade, it is now a stunning space for family gatherings!

Have you recently renovated too? Share your transformation photos, and you could win a $200 grocery gift card every month! Comment "TRANSFORM" for the contest link!

📸 @spacesdesignbuild

#homerenovation #homebuilder #designbuild #renovation #homedesign #homedecor #kitchendesign #homeimprovement #renovationproject

This kitchen was just waiting for its moment to shine! With a full revamp and appliance upgrade, it is now a stunning space for family gatherings! Have you recently renovated too? Share your transformation photos, and you could win a $200 grocery gift card every month! Comment "TRANSFORM" for the contest link! 📸 @spacesdesignbuild #homerenovation #homebuilder #designbuild #renovation #homedesign #homedecor #kitchendesign #homeimprovement #renovationproject

There are two types of people when it comes to house cleaning! Which one are you? 🧼✨

#CleaningTypes #HouseCleaning #HomeCare #CleaningRoutine #TrailAppliancesBC

There are two types of people when it comes to house cleaning! Which one are you? 🧼✨ #CleaningTypes #HouseCleaning #HomeCare #CleaningRoutine #TrailAppliancesBC

Black Friday isn't far away. Click the link in our bio and join our email list to be first in line for the best prices of the year.

#TrailAppliancesBC #BlackFriday #ApplianceSale #BChomes #YVRhomes

Black Friday isn't far away. Click the link in our bio and join our email list to be first in line for the best prices of the year. #TrailAppliancesBC #BlackFriday #ApplianceSale #BChomes #YVRhomes

Is anyone else ready to enter their Holiday era? 🎄

📷: @ashleegoulddesign

#homedecor #holidayseason #holidaydecor #christmas #christmascountdown #christmasiscoming #christmasdecor

Is anyone else ready to enter their Holiday era? 🎄 📷: @ashleegoulddesign #homedecor #holidayseason #holidaydecor #christmas #christmascountdown #christmasiscoming #christmasdecor

We're kicking off a fresh new season of Go Ask Trail with an exciting GIVEAWAY!

𝗛𝗼𝘄 𝘁𝗼 𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗿?
Click the link in our bio, send us your question, and you’ll be entered for a chance to win a Danby Compact Fridge (valued at $400)!

Good luck, and stay tuned for this series where you can ask us anything appliance-related, and our experts will bring you the answers!

Got a question? Go Ask Trail! 🎙️

We're kicking off a fresh new season of Go Ask Trail with an exciting GIVEAWAY! 𝗛𝗼𝘄 𝘁𝗼 𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗿? Click the link in our bio, send us your question, and you’ll be entered for a chance to win a Danby Compact Fridge (valued at $400)! Good luck, and stay tuned for this series where you can ask us anything appliance-related, and our experts will bring you the answers! Got a question? Go Ask Trail! 🎙️

We bet these horror stories will give you the chills! 😱🎃
Now we want to hear from you - share your scariest moments in the comments

#TrailAppliancesBC #ApplianceHorrorStories #HalloweenStories #SpookySeason #TrickOrTreat #HalloweenFun #Spooktacular

We bet these horror stories will give you the chills! 😱🎃 Now we want to hear from you - share your scariest moments in the comments #TrailAppliancesBC #ApplianceHorrorStories #HalloweenStories #SpookySeason #TrickOrTreat #HalloweenFun #Spooktacular

Cheers to an afternoon of inspiration and innovation! ✨ Despite howling rain on the day, our Single-Family Builder Division team welcomed clients to the @Miele Experience Centre for the Fall Open House, where guests sipped, savoured, and explored the latest Miele technology.
#Miele #FallOpenHouse #TrailBuilderBC #VancouverConstruction #YVRHomes #VancouverCustomHomes #HomeBuilders

Cheers to an afternoon of inspiration and innovation! ✨ Despite howling rain on the day, our Single-Family Builder Division team welcomed clients to the @Miele Experience Centre for the Fall Open House, where guests sipped, savoured, and explored the latest Miele technology.   #Miele #FallOpenHouse #TrailBuilderBC #VancouverConstruction #YVRHomes #VancouverCustomHomes #HomeBuilders

Family traditions are at the heart of every great meal 🧡🍂 Julie, head of our Designer Sales team, is sharing her mom’s secret Yorkshire Pudding recipe — perfect for those fall gatherings and roast dinners. These golden delights are easy to make and sure to impress.

Want to learn more? Click the link in our bio and catch the full recipe on our blog.

#TrailAppliancesBC #YorkshirePudding #JennAir #ComfortFood #HomeCooking #LuxuryKitchen #BoundByNothing

Family traditions are at the heart of every great meal 🧡🍂 Julie, head of our Designer Sales team, is sharing her mom’s secret Yorkshire Pudding recipe — perfect for those fall gatherings and roast dinners. These golden delights are easy to make and sure to impress. Want to learn more? Click the link in our bio and catch the full recipe on our blog. #TrailAppliancesBC #YorkshirePudding #JennAir #ComfortFood #HomeCooking #LuxuryKitchen #BoundByNothing

Family traditions are at the heart of every great meal 🧡🍂 Julie, head of our Designer Sales team, is sharing her mom’s secret Yorkshire Pudding recipe — perfect for those fall gatherings and roast dinners. These golden delights are easy to make and sure to impress.

Want to learn more? Click the link in our bio and catch the full recipe on our blog.

#TrailAppliancesBC #YorkshirePudding #JennAir #ComfortFood #HomeCooking #LuxuryKitchen #BoundByNothing

Family traditions are at the heart of every great meal 🧡🍂 Julie, head of our Designer Sales team, is sharing her mom’s secret Yorkshire Pudding recipe — perfect for those fall gatherings and roast dinners. These golden delights are easy to make and sure to impress. Want to learn more? Click the link in our bio and catch the full recipe on our blog. #TrailAppliancesBC #YorkshirePudding #JennAir #ComfortFood #HomeCooking #LuxuryKitchen #BoundByNothing

No tricks, just a spooky twist to transform your caprese salad for Halloween! 👻🍃 Will you try it?

📷 @melissas_healthykitchen

#capresesalad #halloweenappetizers #spookyfood #festivefood #halloweenpartyfood #halloweenfoodideas #halloweenfood #caprese #halloweenfoods

No tricks, just a spooky twist to transform your caprese salad for Halloween! 👻🍃 Will you try it? 📷 @melissas_healthykitchen #capresesalad #halloweenappetizers #spookyfood #festivefood #halloweenpartyfood #halloweenfoodideas #halloweenfood #caprese #halloweenfoods

Fall baking just got sweeter 🍞✨ Upgrade your kitchen and cook up the savings: buy 3+ KitchenAid appliances and save up to $500!

Don’t miss out — offer ends on October 30th!

*Conditions Apply

Fall baking just got sweeter 🍞✨ Upgrade your kitchen and cook up the savings: buy 3+ KitchenAid appliances and save up to $500! Don’t miss out — offer ends on October 30th! *Conditions Apply

For 50 years, we've been making everyday life better with our inspiring showrooms, expert advice, and unrivaled delivery & customer support. Thanks to our partners for joining the party 🎂

#TrailAppliancesBC  #VancouverHomes #ApplianceSale #ShopLocalBC #BChomes #yvrhomes

For 50 years, we've been making everyday life better with our inspiring showrooms, expert advice, and unrivaled delivery & customer support. Thanks to our partners for joining the party 🎂 #TrailAppliancesBC #VancouverHomes #ApplianceSale #ShopLocalBC #BChomes #yvrhomes

Experience the power of induction cooking in just under 60 seconds! 🌡️⏰ Appliance expert Pamela from our Designer Sales team showcases how this technology brings both performance and sophistication to the heart of the home.

Ready for an upgrade? Come get inspired and try it for yourself at your nearest showroom!

#TrailAppliancesBC #BCHomeDesign #ModernKitchen #InductionCooking #InteriorDesignBC #DesignWithPurpose #InductionCooktop

Experience the power of induction cooking in just under 60 seconds! 🌡️⏰ Appliance expert Pamela from our Designer Sales team showcases how this technology brings both performance and sophistication to the heart of the home. Ready for an upgrade? Come get inspired and try it for yourself at your nearest showroom! #TrailAppliancesBC #BCHomeDesign #ModernKitchen #InductionCooking #InteriorDesignBC #DesignWithPurpose #InductionCooktop