4 litres water5 cups shredded carrots, divided1 large onion, chopped4 celery stalks, diced¼ cup chopped fresh ginger1 tbsp minced garlicJuice of one orangePinch of dry basil and thyme½ pound flour½ pound butter1 cup heavy cream½ cup white wineSaltFresh ground pepperFresh parsley
In a large stockpot add water, 4 cups carrots, onion, celery, ginger, garlic, orange juice, basil and thyme. Bring to a boil and simmer until vegetables soften.
Using a hand blender, blend until smooth.
In a saucepan, make a roux. Melt the butter then add the four, stir until all the butter is absorbed by the flour (it should be the consistency of wet sand), allow to cook on low heat for about 5 to 10 minutes.
Start adding the roux to the soup a little bit at a time to thicken using a hand blender to incorporate. Make sure to make the soup a little bit thicker than the finished product.
Add the cream and wine, season with salt and pepper to taste.
Garnish with shredded carrots and fresh parsley.
Healthier options:~ substitute cream for skim milk and add a little at a time to keep the desired thickness.~ use water and cornstarch to thicken in place of roux.